Saturday, August 18, 2012

Poll Closed

Poll has concluded and the majority of you wanted Spritz Delivery Part 2, so that'll be up by thursday. Inspection will probably be like right after

Since polls refuse to work for me, (anyone wanna help me fix that?) I'll ask with this, do you guys want Spritz Delivery Part 2, or Inspection? They're both by Takeshi Matsu but Inspection has better quality scans i think. Sample Pictures under the jump. Both will get translated eventually cuz I really like TM's artwork but yeah comment below to choose.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Drawtwo - Kyoshi

I am a lazy lazy terrible person and I don't update nearly enough. I do however have an excuse this time cuz i've moved into a new place and i got a new computer that is amazing so i had abunch of stuff to occupy my time. That saiddddd today's release is Kyoshi by Drawtwo!!!

So yeah this is a request by Chris, I'm going to assume this is between a university freshman and a teacher instead of highschool student. They look nearly the same age around so yeah.. Have fun!

Slanted out~


does anyone have higher quality scans of this? the one on the left.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Read this if you want more releases

First of all university is starting in september so I'll probably be extremely absent during that time and you'll probably only get a few releases a month.

THEREFORE during the month of August each time I recieve 20$ in donations, I will releases 3 comics that following week. An incentive for you all to give me monies so I won't be THAT poor of a university student. If say I recieve 40$ I'll release 6 comics in the next 2 weeks etc.

Otherwise I guess I'll just bum through August and release as sporadically as I have been recently cuz i'm a lazy bastard and you'll I'll probably only finish the 3 up in the queue or something. If you do donate though, you can request a comic and i'll jump it up to the front of the queue as well.

That said, I would like to thank Builder for all his hard work. I think he managed to clean it all faster than I ended up translating and typesetting so give him a hand.

Thirdly I would like to remind everyone to link to the BLOG POSTS and not the mediafire posts when sharing. I don't want to sound all serious and anal about it but really, that's like the only rule around here.

Serious Business aside, there should be a poll up to the right soon, so check that out when it comes out I guess. Blogger is being a jerkface and won't save my polls properly :\

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spritz Delivery - Takeshi Matsu

This took a long time to finish and i apologize. Please take this double release wednesday as an offering of my remorse. Anywho, this is now a Decently awesome quality release due to the hard work and labor of Builder without whom we'd still be stuck with watermarks and centerfold shadows! Anyways, I'm sure none of you read this anyways so here's the link to Spritz Delivery By Takeshi Matsu!

So like you all voted in the poll way back when, today's release is Spritz Delivery. Contrary to what you all might have thought when i said 30 pages, is that most of it is really cute mushy dialogue and only like 8 pages of it is sex. JOKE IS ON YOU ALL. Well joke is on me too cuz i had to translate 20 pages of dialogue. Sex pages usually only have cheesy moaning lol. There is also a part 2 to this that I think features more sex? I'll make a new poll later so you guys can decide on what you want. I just want to say that this is indeed one of the cutest Takeshi Matsu comics I've read and I think that more than makes up for the lack of sex. Unless you're horny, in which case i may have just given you a serious case of blueballs XD.

University is starting soon now though, so if any of you would be so kind to donate, I really need the money and I'd love you forever.

Senpai Squeeze - Lunatique

Warning, this release features muscle shota, they are in highschool. Also it features sweat/cock cheese fetish? I dont know, this isn't really my thing.

Okay so this isn't something i'd usually translate and it isn't really my cup of tea but CSword requested a translation of this work for him to typeset so i complied. His blog can be found under that link. This work was typesetted and edited by him and he even purchased the raws himself so give him some love if you enjoyed this release. No this time cuz i dont feel like i did much to deserve it. Now without further ramblings i present to you Senpai Squeeze by Lunatique

I am open to people asking me for translations of works like these however I will not personally translate and release anything shota or with fetishes i don't personally enjoy. Please don't request them from me unless you want to do the work yourself. That said, Spritz Delivery should be up in a few hours so sit tight for that.