Friday, July 27, 2012

What's going on ATM

Okay so Builder has kindly and amazingly cleaned Spritz Delivery so I'll get off my lazy bum and work on that now. Ontop of that, another person has asked me to translate another comic for him to typeset which should be done soon. SO you can all expect more releases soon?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saves Me - Kureten

Woo~ So yeah, sorry I havn't posted anything in awhile, stuffs came up and I had to take care of it. ANYWHO I have no idea whether or not Saves me has already been translated but since noone seems to have it, I am proud to present Saves Me By Kureten!!!! -applause please-

So yeah, I was planning on just skipping straight to Spritz Delivery but since it's been like 2 weeks since I last did anything i thought OH i could just translate a SHORT, SIMPLE, EASY comic to tide you guys over! THIS WAS NOT SHORT OR SIMPLE OR EASY AT ALL D< even took me like 2.5 hours to do Next time i'll be sure to check the page count before starting cuz i'm pretty sure i could have finished Spritz Delivery in this time. The watermarks were fucking terrible for this one and it was also in simplified chinese which made it super confusing and yeah.... Whew i'll take a break and hopefully you guy's will have Spritz Delivery in a few days!

Slanted out~

Monday, July 9, 2012

Poll results! Decisions decisions...

Links have been changed to, i insist of free translations so if any of you object to this, let me know. I never did like ads and there will never be ads on the site itself. If there are issues with contact me, i'll just give you the mediafire link. You guys are more important than ads.
So the results of the "Which Takeshi Matsu Comic Should I Translate Next" Poll are out!
1.Spritz Delivery 35 pg -> 26 votes
2.Gone With the Cat 25 pg -> 1 vote
3.Inspection 30 pg -> 4 votes
4.Save me from translation hell/short fast releases -> 5 votes

And so your next Takeshi Matsu fix will be Spritz Delivery! which will be 2nd in the queue soon as i update it!!!

I would like to thank the 5 people who tried to save me and who wanted small but fast releases, I would also like to sigh and pout at the rest of you who voted for Spritz Delivery and give you guys puppy dog eyes. I hope you know what you've gotten me into, JUST HAD TO CHOOSE THE LONGEST ONE DIDN"T YOU? AND THE ONE WITH THE EQUALLY LONG SEQUEL!! D<

I will now storm out of here and leave you all with another poll which you can check out on the right.
I'm not translating anything else until one of those choices hits 30 votes so ya'll better start votin D< (haha my revenge for you guys making me translate spritz delivery)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Brother Complex - Ron 9

Woo~ after a lot of being lazy I got this done! Even earlier than I anticipated too. I have no idea who the artist though is so if any of you do, drop me a line. Anywho without further ado I present to you all Brother Complex, Requested by Frozenrain!!

So from doing this comic I've learned never to translate from simplified chinese again. It was brutal and I'm sorry if i got anything wrong cuz i had to guess for 1 or 2 parts. That said uh I'm also sorry that i didn't translate alot of the sfx, lots of them were hand drawn into it and thus really hard to remove without either 1.A lot of effort or 2. Ruining the image. It's all just standard corny manga moaning so you're not missing out on much I guess. Now everyone thank Frozenrain for his HQ jap scans as well as for requesting this comic!

Slanted out~

Houston we have a problem.

So um apparently mediafire is on the prowl these days for copyrighted material n stuff what with the whole SOPA thing awhile back. Some files are being blocked either from too much traffic or someone reporting. That said do any of you know if they'll end up banning accounts if too much is blocked? And if so anyone know any good decent file uploading services? I dont like hotfile and other sharing sites that like force wait times on you and have like time limits inbetween things which is why i opt for mediafire. For the moment i'll stick to mediafire and if any other links go bad tell me and i'll fix it. Perhaps try not to circulate it too much or something. If people donate enough money i could go for a private server and upload things onto there too i guess. Anyways yeah, just a heads up on whats going on.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Woo~ 1500 views~

In a week~ you guys are awesome!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Bonus Omake Chapter - Drawtwo (土狼弐)

So I'm halfway done Brother complex and since Chris asked so nicely, (and mainly because it was so short) I translated an Omake Bonus Chapter By 土狼弐 who I believe calls himself drawtwo? Correct me if i'm wrong.

It's a really short 7 pager filled with hot sex and a really cute fluffy ending, Guaranteed to make you go AWWWWWW! You can check out Drawtwo's Blog and his Pixiv by clicking on those links. For pixiv you need to register for an account before you can see the naughty pictures but they're all pretty hot so yeah.

Oh it turns out the SGW manga up in the queue is also by drawtwo! Special thanks to Chris for requesting and supplying the raws, I feel kind of guilty for skipping the queue but well again this was super short. (Plus I have a super giant weakness for guy's named Chris, BAD CHRIS, EXPLOITING MY WEAKNESS FOR YOUR OWN BARA GAIN!!!) Hopefully this'll tide ya'll over till tuesday when hopefully brother complex will be done.

Shameless ranting continued - This only took me like 45 min so AS YOU ALL CAN SEE, short mangas = faster, frequent releases. That said you should all go vote on my poll (on the right) and say you want smaller more frequent releases! (Please save me) Oh and just so ya'll know, I had this super huge crush on a straight guy named Christian in highschool, that lasted for like a year? AND I TOLD MY FRIEND BUT THEN SHE TOLD HIM! LIKE WTF? total violation of friend confidentiality right? And then i was all awkward and yeah, i think we're cool now, he has a girlfriend, who treats me as her gay pet but sigh, if i HAD a decent social life i wouldn't be here translating right?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thanks n stuff.

SO I KNOW YOU PEOPLE ARE COMING TO MY BLOG, whether or not you read my ranting or not is another story but I just want to thank the people who comment, who write in my little chat box, who voted in my poll, it's people like you who give me motivation to keep translating. That said, I know most of you are here with your pants down trying to find something to get off to so it's kinda hard for you to read all this and comment and stuff. It really would help if ya'll give feedback/answer some of the questions in previous posts like here.

ANYWHO i'm taking a couple days off from translating as my break time, when i get back i'll finish Brother Complex for Frozenrain (seeing has he's the only one of you who actually ASKED for anything to be translated) and yeah.

oh and if any of you have some spare change on zee internets, feel free to donate to my university fund. No pressure though, what with the economy as it is and my super low quality scans. HELP IF YOU CAN, I NEED MONEY TO FEED MYSELF JUNKFOOD WHEN SCHOOL STARTS!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Being a Subordinate Is Tiring Pt.2 - Takeshi Matsu

Alrighty! So Today's Release is the LONG ANTICIPATED, HIGHLY AWAITED Being A Subordinate Is Tiring Pt.2!!!
So this after waiting for like 2 years, i finally decided to get off my ass and get this thing done. For chapter one you can go here and yeah! This is really a hot chapter, aggressive power bottoms = le smex. Hope you all enjoy! Please comment! I also had a little bit of help on this one typesetting, the size of the scan is also a lot bigger so no more squinting! k imma stop ranting now Typesetting did by Kan who can also be found here, here and finally here. Give her a holla if ya'll want to thank her for her hard work in making this release possible. Slanted out~

Missing page is under the pagebreak


So uh since you guys don't really tell me what you want... Do any of you really want me to finish Surf Trip Boys? cuz the first two chapters are basically the hot and/or cute ones. Theres still sex in the other few but it's mainly just text tbh. That said I could always change gears and skip to the Takeshi Matsu or some other Tsukasa Matsuzaki manga. Frozenrain provided a website with decent chinese scans as well (however they're in simplified chinese and i hate reading simplified.) I AM HOWEVER here to please the people so uh please give me direction. If ya'll want, the link Frozenrain provided is, i'm not sure if i'm allowed to disclose the password or anything so i'm not going to. There ARE preview pictures on there though so if you guys want you could check it out and pick something out for me.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


PHEW, who thought it was a good idea to translate like 20+ page stories? I now know why most people prefer 10-15 page stories, after you get to like 15 you're pretty much done with it all. Anywho, i am glad to see that the blog is picking up, it'd be nice to have more comments and feedback though. SHOW ME THE LOVE~ I'm taking a break from translating today seeing as it IS canada day, i'm going to chill and read books instead (yes i'm a total bookwork i know). I have no idea how Leon used to be able to do like daily translations, this is hard work yo~ There's going to be fireworks n stuff and my hot uncle is going to be around so it should be a pree good time. I see people are asking for requests now which is good cuz i have no idea what i want to translate but PLEASE SPARE ME and pick smaller ones so i can make more people happy :< plus i can slack off more :D

Oh and I have someone currently typesetting Being a subordinate is tiring for me so that should be up by the end of the week~

Slanted out~